Tuesday, May 19, 2009

new interview with Jean Bartlett...

My friend Jean Bartlett interviewed me back in Feb and it's now up on her web site: http://jeansmagazines.org/JeansG/JohnWorley/JohnWorley.htm
We talked about my life growing up in the SF Bay Area and what it was like back in the day. It's also a glimpse into my early years in the music business.
I seem to looking back in time and reflecting on my life and the friends I've made along the way.
My Facebook page has pics from my childhood as well as some of the folks I've had the pleasure of playing with and the friendships that developed from it.
Sit back, pour a nice taste of whatever comforts you and read a spell. And when you're done send me a email and let me know what you think.......jworleyjr@aol.com
Looking forward to hearing from you.